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How to clear the DNS cache?

How to clear the DNS cache?

Cleaning the DNS cache will remove all the DNS records that were stored inside your computer. After that, there won’t be any A or AAAA records showing which websites you have visited before. Here you can learn to flush the DNS cache!

​Clean the DNS cache on Windows (Windows 11, Windows 10, and more)

  1. Open the Command Prompt. Press “Windows Key + R”, then write “cmd” and open it.
  2. Inside the command-line interface, write “ipconfig /flushdns”, and press the Enter button on your keyboard.
  3. The result will be ready in a few seconds. You will get a configuration message “Successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache.

​Clean the DNS cache on macOS (Mojave 10.14, and newer)

  1. Open the Terminal application. To open it, go to Applications and then open Utilities. There you will find the Terminal application.
  2. Type “sudo kullall -HUP mDNSResponder”, and press the Return button on your keyboard.
  3. Insert your password as an administrator of the computer, and press the Return button again.

​Clean the DNS cache on Linux with Name Service Caching Daemon (NCSD)

  1. Start the Terminal application by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T buttons at the same time.
  2. Write down the following command: “sudo /etc/init.d/nscd restart”. Press the Enter button.
  3. Insert your password as an administrator of the computer, and press the Enter button again.

​Clean the DNS cache on Linux with dnsmasq

  1. Start the Terminal application by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T buttons at the same time.
  2. Write down the following command: “sudo /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart”. Press the Enter button.
  3. Insert your password as an administrator of the computer, and press the Enter button again.

​Clean the DNS cache on Linux with Berkely Internet Name Domain (BIND)

  1. Start the Terminal application by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T buttons at the same time.
  2. Write down the following command: “sudo /etc/init.d/named restart”. Press the Enter button.
  3. Insert your password as an administrator of the computer, and press the Enter button again.
  4. Another command is needed: “sudo rndc restart”. Rndc is the name server control utility.
  5. And now use this final command: “sudo rndc exec

​Clean the DNS cache on ChromeOS

  1. First, open the Chrome browser.
  2. Then open a new tab and write the following: “chrome://net-internals/#dns”. Press the Enter button to confirm.
  3. By doing so, you will be right inside the DNS cache tab. There you will see “Host resolver cache”, and you should click on “Clear host cache”.

Clearing the DNS cache is a simple process, no matter which OS you are using. Just don’t forget to clear it of the browser too. It could have an independent DNS cache that also needs to be flushed.

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